About - Techysan


Hello, my name is Philippe. My passion for new technologies started since I was a kid when I was about to have my first smartphone. Since then I started visiting tech news sites very often. Almost every day I was stuck in front of my computer screen informing myself of what was happening in the tech world. With this, I gained some knowledge of all that relates to new technologies. This then leads me to the idea of creating my own tech-related blog. I chose Africa as the main subject because while I was still attending tech news site I found that little could be found about Africa, little content created by Africans on the subject could be found at the time. I thus decided to join that small community of African tech bloggers. Also, with time, I began getting sick of always "consuming" that news, I also wanted to "create" them. 
Please, I'm asking on your understanding. I may not be a 100% active on this blog or may not have an impeccable knowledge (I'm still ooh). However, I'll do my best to produce close to quality content. You can also found my other blog which is more concerned about animes, manga and video games here. Thank you! 😊